AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Cheer Up The Lonely Day

National Cheer Up the Lonely Day was July 11th. On this day people across the United States make a special effort to give someone a lift.

If you know someone who is lonely or going through a difficult time, be a bright spot in their life with a little extra thoughtfulness today. Whether their loneliness is due to health issues, financial reasons, grief due to loss or personal reasons, isolation can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, many seniors really struggle with loneliness.

Use this day as a reminder to contact those people, especially seniors, in your life who need a little extra love and attention. Your small act of kindness can make a big difference to them.

One word or special consideration may brighten their world at just the right moment.

We are all lonely from time to time. The gift of companionship and support for lonely seniors is priceless for you and for them.

Posted in: Healthcare

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